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Smoke Signals: Open letter to POCI President Bob Desrochers

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:12 am    Post subject: Smoke Signals: Open letter to POCI President Bob Desrochers Reply with quote

It has been one month now since I sent letters to Bob Desrochers and Don Keefe expressing my concerns about POCI, the direction the Club is going, membership resignations, and complaints I have heard and read both personally or on this forum.

To date, I have had no reply whatsoever from Mr. Keefe. Mr. Desrochers replied on 20 April, stating only that he would soon reply to my concerns. More than a week later, he has not done so.

I can now only assume that one of two things has happened: 1) Neither of them have any intention of answering my letter; or 2) They are still conferring with the BOD, attempting to get their stories straight and/or assessing damage control.

I am now concerned more than ever that what I have been told in private phone conversations about the Board's actions have validity. Therefore, I have decided to post a copy of my original letter here, sharing it with the entire Pontiac hobby. Perhaps if more of us get involved, by letter, email, or speaking up at the POCI convention in Oklahoma this summer, POCI's leadership will remember that in any voluntary organization, THE MEMBERS are the Club, NOT the Officers. They are simply our elected representatives, and with a grass-roots push, they can be replaced BY THE MEMBERSHIP.

1 April 2007
ATTEN: Robert Desrochers, Don Keefe


I have been silently watching the new magazine and website formats shake out for a few months now. Today, I received my 20-year POCI pin, which compelled me finally to write to you both with my opinions and concerns involving our Club. I hope they will be received with the same spirit in which they are sent.

Starting about the time of Larry Kummer leaving POCI, I have heard ‘rumors’ and concerns from fellow members I am in contact with involving the direction our Club is going. I write this having just left the Forums on Larry’s new site, PontiacRegistry.com. I assume one or both of you have at least peeked in on the site to see what is happening there; if not, I will share with you in this letter the gist of the concerns I have been hearing (and have myself), and my response.

There is a thread there titled ‘Smoke Signals?’, where a number of (former?) POCI members have voiced complaints about the magazine. Some charges have also been made against POCI and its current leadership, without satisfactory explanation, and although I have discussed this subject privately with other members and have read forwarded portions of emails, I still do not feel I have the complete story. After all this, and coupled with ‘President’s Message’s and ‘Editorial’s in POCI over the last few months, I hope to receive from you a clearer, truer picture of what is happening with our Club.

First of all, my comments on the ‘new-look’ Smoke Signals:

1. I cannot say that I care for the new format at all. Font is hard to read; columns seem crammed too tightly against the margins. Every page looks the same....and cluttered. Headers are bland. I think one change that might help is less black in the headers and footers, using a lighter color instead; or at least remove the lines. That would also relieve what I referred to as the margin problem…the perception that the pages are too small for the content. Glossy pages may be my own personal problem; I simply do not prefer them. Taken together, all this has given Smoke Signals, in my opinion, a commercial feel, rather than a ‘personal, inclusive’ feel that it has had for years.
2. Since the format change, for some reason, every one of my issues has arrived looking like the mailman dragged it behind his truck as he drove up my street. That never happened before. Obviously, I am not sure what you folks can do about this.
3. President's Message: Bob, it seems that the March issue was the first one where you didn't slam Larry Kummer, albeit namelessly. If you truly believe Larry was unfair during the transition, or that he was the man to blame for POCI’s current mess, then I believe a complete, honest accounting of the situation should have been offered to the membership, coupled with Larry being allowed a column in response. THEN DROP THE SUBJECT. In the absence of that, monthly bashing is only whining, of which I am personally quite tired of reading, from what should be a professional organization. I don't think I'm alone here. For much too long, your column’s focus seemed to leave the Pontiac hobby, instead having the feel of “if we can’t play together, I’m taking my toys and going home.” This has been, in my opinion, very distracting and unbecoming a professional organization’s main source of interaction with its members.
4. Editorial: Don: Somehow, although subtle; this has already taken on a monthly tone of ‘This is how it's going to be done. Sorry if you disagree (but we're going to do it anyway). Those who complain will be disregarded’. I have read your articles in other publications, and I don’t truly believe that is your intent here. I simply point it out to you for your consideration.
5. Submissions: I have heard complaints from a few members that articles they have submitted are not being run. Certainly I don’t know all of the circumstances you are constrained to concerning submissions, although I do understand your recent explanation about pages numbers. It did seem, however, that submissions never took longer than 1-2, possibly 3 months under the previous editor. In addition, I have heard complaints about accompanying photographs being rejected. I realize that you are simply trying to create a high-quality publication each month. However, I would like to explain my experience as a newsletter editor of a Local Union: I soon found that my own high standards were not shared in whole by a membership that, while enjoying reading the publication, do not all have the ability (or inclination) to write clear, concise, and interesting articles. Rejecting submissions based on this simply alienated them, instead of serving them. It was, in effect, their paper, not mine, even though I did all the work. I finally reverted to simply correcting blatant spelling mistakes, and running their thoughts otherwise as-is. Problem solved….and I’m a guy with a fairly big ego.

Now, a few questions:

1. A charge was made in PontiacRegistry.com forums by Bruce Fulper regarding violation of POCI’s Constitution and bylaws. If you please, I would like to hear your side of this (see next item).
2. Bruce maintains that his advertising has been rejected in favor of competing engine builders’ advertising, due to (alleged) favoritism. I have been told it had something to do with his personality; this, if true, does a disservice to the Pontiac community. Please comment.
3. A statement was made that Don Bougher has resigned from POCI. True or false? Is the reason related to current management of the Club? Whatever the reason, it apparently is serious. Please comment.

Things that have gone “Right”:

1. New website: Looks great. This, in my opinion, is a nicer set-up than what we had before, in all respects; graphics, layout, links, renewals, etc.
2. Content: I have never complained about the mix of articles in Smokes, and probably never will. As a former Local Union President and newsletter editor myself, I realize you can’t be “everything to everyone, all the time”. I like racing (road courses/sports cars), but I despise NASCAR and am cool to drag racing….although others enjoy reading those articles. I’m not interested in Pontiac offerings with ‘corporate power’ (Solstice being one exception), but I understand full well that others do, and we must include them. Both times I strenuously opposed the GMC merger. Still, I also understand full well that Smokes is (or should be) a member-driven publication, relying largely upon submissions from the membership. If guys won’t write, there will be nothing new to read. Also, if the majority of the membership doesn’t mind seeing a ’07 diesel dually sitting next to a restored ’57 Bonneville at a Convention well, this is a democracy, after all.
My solution? I simply skip the articles that don’t interest me. Keep walking past the corporate-powered GMC trucks. Don’t complain about it.

I do not share the views of some on the ‘Smoke Signals?’ thread at PontiacRegistry.com that POCI will die, or is dying. However, I cannot help but see a membership shift coming that neither POCI nor the hobby in general can afford. In my response on that thread, I encouraged everyone, especially long-time members, past or present, of POCI to work within the Club to repair whatever needs attention. I would like to see Larry’s new site as a compliment to, not in competition with, POCI.

That being said, in the absence of a complete, unemotional response from you gentlemen, I cannot but blame POCI’s current Executive Board for this problem. Let me stress that I am not looking to take a side; I simply want to know the truth. I have already heard a good portion of Larry’s side of the story, and he has made it clear that he no longer wishes to discuss the subject. I am of the opinion that a chasm may have already been opened between POCI and PontiacRegistry.com (probably the two best international resources of Pontiac information currently available) and may never be closed again. However, for the sake of the hobby’s future, some sort of truce must be reached. There is no reason why there cannot be multiple Pontiac groups out there, but antagonizing one another (or allowing that perception to exist) is quite obviously counterproductive. We, the membership, have a right to know what is happening in our Club, and the right to assurances that business is being conducted lawfully and fairly.

I regret that I will be unable to attend the Convention in Oklahoma this year, where I would ask that this subject be discussed openly. In closing, I refer you to Lincoln’s “a house divided against itself cannot stand” speech of 1858; and I shall patiently await your response.


Reid W. Prinkey
West Mansfield, Ohio
POCI #015733

Cc: Don Keefe pociworldhq@aol.com
Robert Desrochers DDesroc334@aol.com

Reid W. Prinkey
1963 Grand Prix
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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the reply, Bruce. PM sent. Due to the lack of replies to this thread, I was beginning to wonder if no one cared, or were simply waiting to see a response from those it was addressed to. I was told by others besides you that I would probably receive no response from either Keefe or Desrochers; however, at the very least, if all the allegations were true (and good sources I have spoken to confirm most of it) I assummed I would at least get a lawyer's canned response, in Desrochers' name.

I have received no additional reply to date other than 'I will respond as soon as I have time'....on April 20.

Now I have received word from a reliable former POCI member that Don Barlup has also resigned. A 27 year member? Our Treasurer? Something is obviously not right. I regret that I myself may not be able to get to the truth, but I hope that others who are as concerned as I will be able to attend the Convention and ask direct, unavoidable questions.

I have considered requesting a copy of the last few Board Meeting minutes, but I don't believe now I would ever receive them without legal action. I did not see this action covered in POCI's bylaws, but it certainly should be within the rights of any member to do so.

I agree that it is probably time for an entirely new Executive Board. Responding to a simple letter from the membership is part of their duties, like it or not. Their Number 1 priority as officers is to serve the membership, something that apparently has been forgotten.

I hadn't forgotten about Larry, either. I had no major complaints about him while he was running the Club Office and Smokes. I can honestly say I was a bit apprehensive about the quality of the magazine after he left (with reason, it now appears), but assummed that in time POCI could withstand the resignation of one long-time member, even with the responsibilities he carried. Now, however, I see the hole is only getting deeper. Even without a direct response from President Desrochers, I see no other answer but that the fault can only be laid at his feet.

Now I want to know WHY.

Reid W. Prinkey
1963 Grand Prix
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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 9:25 am    Post subject: Lack of Accountability Reply with quote

Ried, Bruce, and other Members,

It is unfortunate, but a fact of life, that sometimes something that was good is taken over by those who are more in love (and impressed) with themselves than the good of the organization.

As perhaps the "point man" for that group, I was the first and probably the most accutely aware of the direction the club was heading. I also saw the aging of the board and the general apathy of the entire group to do anything about it. And there has since develped a total lack of accountability of the entire upper structure of that organization.

I tolerated as much as I could and decided to resign. In light of the confusion my resignation would have caused I was convinced by Founder Don Bougher and past President Doug Klein to stay on until the summer, and to simply NOT bid on the jobs again. That is exactly what I did.

Once they had decided that keefe was the guy they wanted (the entire "Request for Proposal" was a sham!), all I heard (and all you read) was how great he was and how much better he would make everything. Right! After almost a year it is a big mess. I hear nothing but complaints from members... and a lot of former members. I also see comments of regret from a few for not helping our small group to get rid of desrochers and his band of merry men.

I also hear and continue to read slams on me and blame that I am their cause of problems. BS! I was an outside supplier who supplied EVERY service with quality, cost effectiveness, and in a timely manner. Anyone with the skills and talents I have could do the same. Does that tell you anything?

All that being said, I have moved on. They do not bother me, they can say anything they want, I do not care. The truth is coming out as they come unraveled.

I will continue to provide a service to the Pontiac hobby community because I enjoy doing it, and enjoy the people in this great hobby. As such, however, I have invited everyone to please tell me what more they would like to see at PontiacRegistry.com. I will do my very best to provide it. If anyone wishes to help develop special features or projects, their suggestions and help are welcome.

As my lawyer said "You were the glue that held the organization together and now that they are left to their own devices, they are discovering that."

I would invite those who are unhappy to just vote with their pocket book. And, to help us build the PontiacRegistry.com Pontiac Club into EXACTLY what they want to see.

As I decided over a year ago, life is way too short to spend one single minute of it somewhere, or doing something, or being around someone if it isn't enjoyable, and if they do not appreciate you..

I thank everyone for their support. I apologize if my leaving that group made you unhappy... but, I will make it up to you here. Also, I know all of you have many Pontiac friends, some of them probably also wondering what happened to the club that used to be so good. Please tell them what has happened (they will never hear it from them), and please also tell them to check out PontiacRegistry.com.... and to jump on and start to enjoy and participate in their hobby again.

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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The first comment I have is that Larry Kummer, you have absolutely no reason to apologize for leaving POCI. If anything, your decision was a clue many of us missed about how bad things really are at POCI.
I think we all now are seeing more signs of a side to POCI that some of us had only heard rumors about, and that is do it our way and keep your mouth shut or don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
Larry's decision (and those of other charter and long standing members and officers) clearly demonstrate to me that the POCI organization has lost sight of it's mission, and the officers in POCI who are in the organization for the same reasons that I am are now separating themselves from the officers and board members who are obviously on their own agendas.
As we all know, money talks in this world, so I for one plan to send POCI no more of mine. As I have said in other strings, I think the fate of our hobby (obsession to some of us) lies in the club Larry has put together. Larry keeps asking for our suggestions and ideas, and I think he really means it.
As for the bunch at POCI...I'm going to move on to a better way...Tulsa is definitely not on my summer travel calendar this year![/u]
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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:18 pm    Post subject: There's people like that everywhere Reply with quote

OK guys, I think we can move on now about the bad behavior of some of the people we are talking about.

We have all vented our spleens about these current people and as Bruce points out, there is not now, nor has there ever been a shortage of people who treat others unfairly for their own edification... and sometimes it is towards an entire group of people. But we will never change that. We can only rise above it.

So, the sun comes up on a new day tomorrow. Let's all count our blessings that we have the ability to enjoy ourselves, socialize, help others, and generally live a good life. It will all sort itself out. As my brother-in-law in St. Vincent West Indies says: "Every pig has his Saturday!" (That's the day the traveling butcher comes to their village to do his work.)

Everyone have a good weekend.
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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

POCI is a corporation providing a service. No different than any local business, except for the fact that POCI was once a monopoly. There wasn't anything like it for Pontiac people. Built by Don Bougher and the "Persona non-grata" Directors Emeritus and held together by Larry Kummer, POCI had best shows, the best magazine , the best people and anyone could reach out and get help from top GM people, highly experienced tech. advisors and local chapters throughout the USA.

In my opinion, over the last few years, the Officers and certain Board members seemed to have an agenda to wipe out all of the people that helped build the organization. There was never a forum to discuss the long term goals, no vision or mission statements. Nothing to construct a foundation for the entire membership. Drag Racing has become the only focuse issue, and while Pontiac legend was built through Drag Racing, this activity is not the major attraction to a POCI event.

I have read where many POCI members do not get their concerns addressed. I have experienced lenghty delays in the club's magazine which has placated the drag racing theme, while ignoring the heart and soul of the membership. I am sure that the new editor is trying to his best.

But, like POCI has changed, so has the availabilty of Pontiac clubs to spend your hard earned money for. There are many clubs just on the internet alone, that can service our needs better than POCI.

Since POCI sells a product, we are not forced into buying that product. Whether it be PR.com or any other Pontiac related club, it is our choice. For those of us that have distanced ourselves from the current management, we have other choices. If a business will not concentrate on its core consumers, it will fail. I wish the good people of POCI good luck, but my money will be spent at PR.com
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